Cleanfarms is a non-profit environmental stewardship organization. We work collaboratively with our members, partner agencies, and the government to ensure that Canadian farmers can actively contribute to a healthy environment and a sustainable future. Our programs create meaningful change, and offer a tangible way to address agricultural waste management and resource in the community.
Our Approach
We play an important role in protecting the environment by keeping recyclable materials out of landfills and burn piles. To help farmers better manage their waste, Cleanfarms partners with agri-retailers and municipalities across the country to make our programs available to farmers in every region.
The Company We Keep
Cleanfarms is proud to develop and deliver environmental stewardship programs on behalf of Canada’s crop protection industry. Our members include leading developers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers of pest control products, fertilizers, seed and equine and livestock medications. The work that we do is possible because of the support of our members and other partners who share our vision and commitment to the environment.
Our Impact
Last year alone, more than 5.2 million empty pesticide and fertilizer containers were collected through a Cleanfarms program, and nearly 300,000 empty seed and pesticide bags returned. New technologies in a processing facility put this plastic waste to good use after it was sorted, shredded and melted into useful materials like farm drainage tile.