What do I have to do to recycle grain bags and baler twine?
There are 35 public recycling sites around the province. Place clean twine (i.e., as free as possible from organic material) in a Cleanfarms ag recycling bag that’ you can pick up at your local collection site (at no charge). For grain bags, we ask that the bags be as clean as possible, then rolled with a grain bag roller, then tied with twine. Eliminating organic material helps ensure the materials will be accepted for recycling by end markets. Bagging twine keeps it clean and in one place. Rolling grain bags compresses them, reduces rodent interest and makes them easier to transport.
Where are the Cleanfarms collection sites?
There are over 35 sites across the province that accept grain bags and/or twine; all identified on this map. We suggest you call ahead to confirm hours of operation.
I have lots of grain bags and no roller. What do I do?
If you are a high volume user with lots of empty grain bags, please email info@cleanfarms.ca. If you need help rolling please check the map to identify sites that offer rolling assistance. Again, if you need help, please email us.
Why can’t I recycle other ag plastics like bale wrap and netwrap as part of this program?
There are several ag plastics that don’t have strong and/or steady recycling markets right now which means that even if they’re collected, we can’t guarantee that they can be recycled into new markets – at this time. That’s for materials like bale wrap, silage bags, bunker covers and tarps and netwrap. Should this change we’ll look to reassess options for including them.