Cleanfarms, in partnership with various stakeholders, has been involved in agricultural waste research across the country to improve current programs and inform the development of future stewardship programs. This research helps to quantify the types of plastic wastes on farms, develop various collection models and explore viable processors and markets.
British Columbia
Working closely with the British Columbia Agricultural Council and its members, Cleanfarms launched an agricultural waste study in 2012. The study was the first of its kind with the aim of identifying the types and quantities of all agricultural wastes generated each year. This is the first step in the development of stewardship programs to manage these types of waste.
A waste characterization study focused on non-durable, inorganic waste generation on Alberta farms was conducted in 2019.
With financial support from Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Environment, Cleanfarms been involved in a number agricultural waste projects in the province. This work includes waste characterization studies, stakeholder consultations and the evaluation of processing and collection options.
In 2013, the Ministry of Environment asked Cleanfarms to work with a multi-stakeholder committee to examine the feasibility of an extended producer responsibility program to manage different types of agricultural wastes.
A number of reports from this work are available below. Contact us to learn more.
- Preliminary waste characterizations & consultations:
- Saskatchewan agricultural film plastic recycling study, 2010
- Saskatchewan agricultural waste stewardship consultation report, 2011
- Saskatchewan agricultural products & packaging waste stewardship industry consultation, 2012
- Cleanfarms grower survey results, 2012
- AG in Motion Waste Diversion Report 2019
- Multi-stakeholder committee reports:
Working with Manitoba Conservation and Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, Cleanfarms completed a study of all agricultural waste in 2011. Since then, Cleanfarms has been involved in pilot projects aimed at collection various types of agricultural plastics from select municipalities.
Cleanfarms has worked with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on a number of projects aimed at quantifying the types of waste generated on Ontario farms.
Phase I
- Ontario farmer survey, 2011
- Ontario agricultural waste characterization study
- A guide to recycling non-nutrient agricultural waste in Ontario
- Closing the loop on agricultural waste webinar, 2011
Phase II
The Canadian Plastics Industry Association and the Resources Recovery Fund Board (RRFB) Nova Scotia partnered with Cleanfarms to conduct an agricultural waste study covering the three Maritimes provinces – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. The study revealed that there is just over 3,400 tonnes of plastic waste generated through agricultural activity in the Maritimes. Of that, two-thirds is disposed by farmers each year while the remaining third leaves the farm as packaging material on products destined for retail stores and households. Very little of the on-farm waste is recycled. Cleanfarms will use the results of the study to develop stewardship programs for the types of waste identified so farmers in the Maritimes are able to dispose of their waste in environmentally sustainable ways.