Agricultural plastics recycling project launch
Saint-Hyacinthe – MRC des Maskoutains, the Régie intermunicipale d’Acton et des Maskoutains (RIAM) and Le Syndicats de l’UPA Vallée maskoutaine and Maskoutains Nord-Est join CleanFARMS to initiate a project aimed at recycling agricultural plastics. Coop Comax and Coop Ste-Hélène are also part of this project and acting as collection sites and quality control.
The object for the next three years is to collect data that will enable Cleanfarms to set up a permanent program offered throughout the province. The program objectives are: ease of recycling, benefit to the environment and low operational costs.
On November 7th and 8th, Réseau Environnement, RECYC-QUÉBEC and Éco Entreprises Québec held a symposium on ‘’Waste material Management’’ at the Centre des congrès in Saint-Hyacinthe. CleanFARMS and its project partners used this opportunity to officially launch this initiative.
Participants at a workshop ‘’Circular economy approach’’ identified the requirements to set up a structured methodology to collect AG plastics in the MRC des Maskoutains’ territory. Anna Potapova, manager for Agricultural and Agrifood Development at MRC des Maskoutains, organised the workshop as part of implementing the agricultural zone development plan (PDZA).
‘’The MRC wishes to contribute in finding solutions to add value to AG plastics at the end of their life cycle. This project aims at making it possible to execute this type of collection on a long term basis, in a sustainable way, all over the Province of Quebec. By partnering with CleanFARMS, RIAM and UPA are convinced to succeed in making it happen’’ mentioned Claude Corbeil. He is Deputy Prefect of MRC des Maskoutains and Saint-Hyacinthe’s Mayor.
The president of La Régie intermunicipale d’Acton et des Maskoutains, as well as Mayor of Saint-Barnabé-Sud, Mr. Alain Jobin added: ‘’MRC d’Acton and MRC des Maskoutains have a joint venture program to manage residual waste. CleanFARMS’ project is in line with Measure 14 of our program. It aims at promoting initiatives to recycle and add value to AG plastics. We are proud of it.’’
Mrs. Sonia Gagné, President and General Manager of RECYC-QUÉBEC commented: ‘’RECYC-QUÉBEC praises this initiative. It is a step in the right direction towards the valorisation of Ag plastics. We have commissioned a study to characterize Ag plastics, from the time they reach the market until they get discarded at the farm level. We wish to know more about those plastics in order to properly manage them in an environmentally sound way. Furthermore, we want to know what’s at stake when collecting, recycling and adding value (potential outlets) here and elsewhere in Canada, as well as at the international level.’’
Mario Dupont, President of Le Syndicat UPA des Maskoutain’s said ‘’We want to work on efficient ways to collect waste. This is a good opportunity to get involved in be part of the solution to minimize the footprint left by farms.’’
Using its extensive experience in agricultural recycling, CleanFARMS will focus energy and resources on helping MRC des Maskoutains achieve its goals, as well as those of the AG industry in terms of managing products and packaging at the end of their life cycle.
Mrs. Christine Lajeunesse, Eastern Business Manager for CleanFARMS concludes: ‘’We believe that working together with MRC des Maskoutains’ Economic development Department, with the Ag sector, CleanFARMS will succeed in setting up a province wide permanent program to recycle ag plastics.’’
Denyse Bégin
Communication officer
Joëlle Jetté
Communications coordinator, direction vie syndicale and communications
Fédération de l’UPA de la Montérégie
450-774-9154, ext. 6227
Christine Lajeunesse
Eastern Region Business Manager
450 804 4460