For more information
Kim Timmer, Manager, Stakeholder Relations
A waste characterization is a common piece of research conducted by municipalities and businesses looking to evaluate their waste impacts in their communities and operations. The outcome is an estimate of the types and quantities of wastes produced.
With input from a variety of stakeholders, Cleanfarms undertook a Canada-wide ag waste characterization study that focused on single-use agricultural plastics.
The resulting report, Agricultural Plastic Characterization and Management on Canadian Farms, breaks down this data by sector (below), region, tool (ag plastic) and resin-type, outlines current management practices and provides high level recommendations that could facilitate increased diversion within the ag sector.
The key findings (at right) are available at an ideal time because a number of pilots have recently been launched that could help farmers recycle a wider variety of ag plastics that help them produce food and feed. Up to date measurements are now available to measure the ag sector’s performance.
This provides important data to program operators and other stakeholder interested in tracking how plastics are managed and identifies synergies between different regions and waste streams.
Long before plastics drew national attention, Canada’s diverse and successful agricultural sector has had good management practices in place for several types of ag plastics like empty pesticide and fertilizer containers. Recent program development like the launch of a grain bag recycling program in Saskatchewan further demonstrate the ability to recover and recycle newer materials and the willingness of Canadian farmers to embrace new practices that contribute to these solutions.
Combined with the wide variety of initiatives underway to improve the way ag plastics are managed, this study helps illustrate just some of the ways that Canadian farmers are ensuring that ag plastics are kept out of communities and incorporated into new products in support of Canada’s emerging circular economy.
Kim Timmer, Manager, Stakeholder Relations