Field Crops
Ag plastics associated with each stage of production, from seeding to storage, of diverse field crops such as canola, hay, soybeans, oats and many more. Ag plastics that are often used to store feed for livestock are included in this category.
Non-Greenhouse Vegetables
Ag plastics used in the various stages of production, from seeding/propagation to in-field growing of non-greenhouse vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and cabbage.
Greenhouse Vegetables
Ag plastics that are used in greenhouse operations to support as seeding/propagation and ensure ideal growing conditions for growing vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.
Ag plastics used to support greenhouse operations such as seeding/propagation, structuring, flooring, delivering of chemicals and carbon dioxide gas, to support the growth of vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.
Pesticide and Fertilizer Packaging
Containers and bags that are used to deliver pesticides and fertilizers on farms.
Ag plastics used in the production of trees, perennials and annuals, small fruit bushes, and many more, both field-grown and container-grown.
Ag plastics used in the production of cranberries, apples, blueberries, and many more.
Maple syrup/Maple Tubing
Ag plastics used in maple syrup production like tools used for the collection of sap and cleaning/disinfecting.
Ag plastics used for raising cattle; primarily used to deliver cleaning and sanitization products on farm along with animal nutrition.
Includes ag plastics like trays, pots and structural plastics that are generated through Licensed Producers.